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    What’s the difference between an RPO and an RTO?

    The recovery point objective (RPO) and the recovery time objective (RTO) are two of the most vital elements of any disaster recovery (DR) program. But they also sound – and... Learn More

    How to prepare your business for a storm

    Hurricanes and extreme weather events have caused massive destruction over the past few years. Learn More

    Building a cloud-hosting strategy is not a game. Here’s why

    A game of darts can be used to settle a lot of things. Who covers the bar tab. Who picks the movie for the next movie night. Even banning a former soccer club owner from... Learn More

    The impact of 5G on data storage and security: Why businesses must have a plan for both

    The “G” in 5G doesn’t stand for “game changer,” but it might as well. Learn More

    Tech cartoon: How RPOs fit into your recovery strategy

    If you’re a football fan, there’s a good chance you know what an RPO is. But when it comes to disaster recovery (DR), this acronym takes on a whole different meaning. Learn More

    A blockbuster or a B-movie? How to design a smash hit data center

    Back in the day, when personal computer technology was starting to emerge following the rise of the mainframe, computer data centres became the subject of everything from... Learn More

    Ransomware attacks against U.S. government entities: 5 key observations and takeaways for municipalities

    Hackers targeted U.S. city and county governments with 79 ransomware attacks in 2020, a 35 percent decrease in the number of ransomware attacks counted in 2019 but still a... Learn More

    Why compromised data backups are an IT manager’s worst nightmare

    What’s the most terrifying Halloween costume you can think of? Learn More

    Yorkshire Building Society fortifies crisis management while preparing members to meet their life goals

    If you should suddenly feel the earth move under your feet, you’re either experiencing an earthquake or listening to one of Carole King’s biggest hits from the 1970s. Or... Learn More


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