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    Sungard AS Blog | CLOUD SERVICES (3)

    Creating a multi-cloud strategy: Gaining executive buy-in and establishing governance

    By Meg Ramsey Moving to a cloud-first strategy is a worthy goal. According to Gartner, “If you have not developed a cloud-first strategy yet, you are likely falling... Learn More

    Why sovereign public cloud is a game changer for the UK public sector and the citizens it serves

    By Chris Huggett Spending £100m an hour or £28,000/second, is an immense responsibility for the public sector. How it chooses to distribute an approximately £817... Learn More

    Cartoon: What IT professionals see when they look at clouds

    Some folks see trees when they look up at clouds. For others, clouds may take the form of a rabbit. But when IT professionals stare at clouds, they can’t help but... Learn More

    Cloud security is more important than ever. Here's why.

    By Bob Peterson Look at any list of 2019 predictions for IT, and you’ll likely see expected advances in blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial... Learn More

    Creating a multi-cloud strategy: The best solutions and providers for your needs

    By Meg Ramsey CEOs and boards are demanding that IT go all in on cloud. Gartner believes that if you haven't developed a cloud-first strategy yet, you're falling... Learn More

    The best of both worlds: Sungard AS Managed Backup - AWS Powered by Veritas

    By Joseph George How often are you faced with making a trade-off decision where you need to make a sacrifice in one area to gain an advantage in another? A classic... Learn More

    Journey or destination? For AWS Cloud, the roadmap holds the key

    Planning a journey of any type can be an exhilarating experience. For some people, the destination is more interesting than the journey; they focus on the goal or the... Learn More

    Healthy clouds mean healthy business

    It’s the time of year when millions of Americans sign up for health insurance, and insurance providers encourage their clients to go in for a checkup or get annual... Learn More

    Being “Customer-Ready” for Success: Sungard AS Cloud Recovery – AWS

    A few years ago, a renowned workplace consultant named Jay Forte wrote an article about hiring employees who are “customer-ready.” He says these are the people who... Learn More

    The big bang theory hits home: Bring on cloud archiving

    Earlier this year, space scientists discovered that the universe is expanding faster than they originally thought based on findings from the Hubble Space Telescope. This... Learn More

    If your data has the “Seven-Year Itch,” try Managed Backup – AWS

    As a young Hollywood movie director, Martin Scorsese remembers the exact moment he decided to devote his time to historic film preservation and conservation. He had just... Learn More


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