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    Sungard AS Blog | PUBLIC CLOUD

    AWS Elastic Block Storage GP3: Fewer Trips Around The World at a Lower Cost

    Four years ago, IDC issued a report on the soaring growth of the world’s total amount of data, estimating that by 2025 the collective sum would skyrocket from 33 zettabytes... Learn More

    How Big Is Your Bucket? Use The AWS Cost Calculator To Find Out

    There’s a metaphor that has been applied to everything from the human body to rotational motion (in physics) to customer relationship management. It’s the humble bucket, that... Learn More

    AWS vs. Azure: Which Public Cloud Is Right For Me?

    Business rivalries have always intrigued us – Coke vs. Pepsi, Ford vs. Chevrolet, Target vs. Walmart, Nike vs. Reebok. At some point in our lives, we’ve all made a product... Learn More


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