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    // EVENTS

    Sungard AS Virtual Roundtable: Gaining Momentum on your journey to the cloud

    June 29th, 2021 | Virtual Event

    There are many challenges a business can face when starting or trying to continue its cloud journey. From the technology aspect of choosing the right platform, ensuring there is a clear approach, gaining companywide buy in to even just getting a project off the ground can be a tough test.

    During this session we’ll look at some of the challenges businesses face when trying to gain momentum in their cloud journey. Not just focusing on the technology involved, we will also investigate the cloud journey from a business aspect, looking at how it should be seen as a strategic business objective not just a project for IT.

    In addition, we’ll discuss the importance of knowledge, clarity and agility in any cloud transformation journey. Other key areas for discussion include:

    • Understanding the technology landscape to help you choose your platform
    • Taking a position to help guide your journey
    • Transforming IT departments to be an enabler not just a cost centre
    • Achieving momentum in your cloud journey whatever stage it is at
