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    Resilient Organizations "Make Hay While the Sun Shines"

    In the modern inter-connected world, incidents that have the potential to create more than just a small glitch to operations, can, and will, be felt by others. Employees, clients, shareholders, regulators and the media are perhaps the most obvious. However, there is no longer such a thing as an "isolated incident" and relatively minor disruptions now have the potential to upset the money-making capability of the wider, and often delicately balanced, "commercial web" in which organizations operate.

    This webinar looks at how every member of the “commercial web” has a vested interest in ensuring every other member succeeds, and how resilient organizations invest in building strong relationships “while the sun shines” so they can draw on goodwill when it rains.

    Featured Topics:

    • Organizational Resilience
    • Business Continuity Planning
    • The importance of building strong relationships throughout your supply chain

    Featured Speakers:

    • Dr Sandra Bell, Sungard AS