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    Effective Crisis Management

    How to pitch the value of the improvement to the board

    Obtaining authorization to purchase business continuity software is, and can be met with objections from the business when pitching to procure business continuity management planning software.

    A common pre-conception is that this is a fringe process – that it is not important enough for the everyday running of the business. This webcast has been designed to help you engage your sponsor and get you that all important decision to help you do your job more effectively and efficiently...

    Because a disruption will come along.

    According to Gartner, 70% of organizations declared a disruption to the business, in the prior year, and when one comes along to impact your business, you’ll need to protect the value that has been built up over a series of years, and prevent it from being wiped out in a matter of hours.

    Featured Speakers:

    • Daren Howell, Market Strategy & Propositions Europe, Sungard AS