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    Sungard AS Blog | TECH CARTOON

    How to create a DR plan you can be confident in

    An organization will never know how important a disaster recovery (DR) plan is until it’s in the middle of a proverbial storm – either literally or figuratively – and... Learn More

    4 ways to identify a phishing email

    There’s a saying: “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” Cyber criminals must take this adage to heart because they keep using phishing attacks, and employees continue to take... Learn More

    Building a cloud-hosting strategy is not a game. Here’s why

    A game of darts can be used to settle a lot of things. Who covers the bar tab. Who picks the movie for the next movie night. Even banning a former soccer club owner from... Learn More

    Tech cartoon: How RPOs fit into your recovery strategy

    If you’re a football fan, there’s a good chance you know what an RPO is. But when it comes to disaster recovery (DR), this acronym takes on a whole different meaning. Learn More

    Why compromised data backups are an IT manager’s worst nightmare

    What’s the most terrifying Halloween costume you can think of? Learn More


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