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    Mainframe recovery simplified with Managed Vaulting for Data Domain with Dell EMC DLm

    Mainframes manage 91% of all credit card transactions and operate 68% of the world’s production IT workloads. Yet most businesses still rely on physical tape for mainframe... Listen Now

    Connecting Clouds: Introducing Sungard AS' New Private Cloud

    While pursuing digital transformation, you can’t overlook the importance of resilience, flexibility and scalability. Listen Now

    How to evaluate third-party risk

    As organizations re-evaluate the state of their resilience, many are quickly discovering a serious blind spot when it comes to their third-party partners. Tom Holloway,... Listen Now

    How to recover data after a successful cyberattack

    If you believe your traditional disaster recovery plan will help recover your data after a cyberattack, you might want to think again. Listen Now


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